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HomeBranch Lake Stewardship Award

Branch Lake Stewardship Program

Are you concerned about runoff that may be contributing to the potential for algal blooms from Non-Point Source Pollution (NPSP) into the lake? Do you have a project in mind that might re- duce your property’s impact on NPSP?

The Branch Lake Association is introducing a Branch Lake Stewardship Award to recognize those property owners that have taken a significant step (or steps) to reduce the impact of NPSP on Branch Lake. To qualify, a property owner needs to complete a project in one or more defined categories that will reduce high phosphorous runoff (a major contributor to algal blooms) into the lake. The project must be completed within two years of a formal LakeSmart Survey of your property. Improvements made in the following categories would qualify for the Branch Lake Stewardship Award:
  • Driveways and Parking Lots
  • Outdoor Structures
  • Outdoor Areas
  • Shoreline Buffers and Buffer Integrity
Here are a few examples, but there are many others:

If your driveway has runoff that can reach the lake, installing diverters in the driveway and repairing the gullies would qualify in the Driveways and Parking Lots category.

If the driplines from your house or detached garage discharge onto bare ground or spotty grass, installing an effective infiltration trench around driplines would qualify in the Outdoor Structures category. Planting a significant depth of bushes, shrubbery, plants, etc. by the waterfront would qualify in Shoreline Buffers and Buffer Integrity category.

Upon completion of the project, you will receive “Branch Lake Stewardship Award” signage. This can be displayed on your property to demonstrate to your friends and neighbors that you have made a significant contribution to the continued good health of Branch Lake. If you are interested in participating in this exciting new program, you just need to contact one of our Lake Smart Surveyors to evaluate your property. No cost to you, and the evaluation will provide helpful tips for your individual property. Please contact to schedule your evaluation. Be a good steward of Branch Lake!