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BACKGROUND: We have received great news, in that our Grant (we call this a “319 Grant”) for funding to partially support projects designed to reduce stormwater runoff pollution to the lake has been approved! The grant application was a natural extension of the work started in 2021 when BLAI led the Watershed Survey of Branch Lake to identify stormwater runoff problems that impacted the quality of the water. This allows BLAI to now start the process of identifying important projects that will help maintain the quality and clarity of Branch Lake. The 319 Grant was received from Maine Department of Environmental Protection (Maine DEP) and will be administered by Hancock County Soil and Water Conservation District (HCSWCD).

BLAI will serve as the conduit evaluating each Road and/or Property project, and then submitting qualifying projects to HCSWCD for review and grant funding approval. Areas of emphasis for this 319 Grant are roadways, driveways, and shoreline buffers.


THE REVIEW PROCESS: Improvement / remediation projects should be brought forward by Road Associations or individual property owners (i.e., the “Project Sponsor”). BLAI will perform an evaluation of the issue utilizing the LakeSmart criteria (visit if you would like more information). After BLAI’s review of the project, if it meets the criteria outlined in the Grant, we will forward the information to HCSWCD. HCSWCD will then meet with the Project Sponsor to complete the review of the project and draft the 319 Grant paperwork (the cost-sharing agreement). Projects are typically done as a 50:50 cost share (50% Grant funded / 50% Project Sponsor equity). Note that Project Sponsor labor can often be included as part of the Project Sponsor’s 50% contribution.

HOW DOES THIS WORK FOR A ROAD ASSOCIATION OR GROUP? The emphasis on roadways means that Road Associations or informal Road Groups are strongly encouraged to apply for funding for work that will improve roadway stormwater management in a way that will reduce impact on the lake. Roads have been identified as the leading source of non-point source pollution (NPSP) to our lake’s water and are an area of particular emphasis in the Grant program. One of the great things about our partnership with HCSWCD is access to their deep expertise in designing cost-effective NPSP reduction solutions for roads.

If your Road Association, or informal Road Group, believes they have an issue that should be evaluated for inclusion in this program, please contact us by clicking the "Request Survey" button below. IN ADDITION, Road Groups may also quality for additional funding for their 50% equity portion under BLAI’s Road Grant Program 

HOW DOES THIS WORK FOR AN INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY OWNER? The grant’s emphasis on driveways and shoreline buffers encourages Property Owners to apply for funding to reduce NPSP runoff from these areas on your property. If you received a letter from the Watershed Survey, or simply believe that your property may have a situation that contributes to runoff pollution, please reach out to us by clicking the "request Survey" button below. We will contact you to schedule a LakeSmart survey of your property to evaluate your particular situation, discuss what possible alternatives are reasonable for your situation and next steps per “The Review Process” above. IN ADDITION, your actions to improve the health of Branch Lake may also qualify you for a Branch Lake Stewardship Award. 

Let’s work together to maintain and improve the quality of Branch Lake’s water.


We look forward to hearing from you!

Request Survey